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Defining the Report Layout

The first step to creating a report is to define the report sections.

The Report Generator screen comprises a number of report sections (also called "line types"). The section names are displayed on the left hand side of the report window, with the section details appearing in the body of the report. Fields are then added to these sections.

All reports have at least a “Page Header” section and a “Detail Section”.

This table shows the different section types you can use in a report:

Section Type

Denoted By




Questions asked during report execution. Questions set the range of information that will be displayed on a report, the upper and lower limits, i.e. Starting and Ending Debtors Number.

Report Header


Fields in this section are only displayed at the beginning of the report.

Page Header


Fields in this section are displayed at the beginning of each page on the report.

Control Header

DH 1-9

Fields in this section are displayed only when a break point is encountered.

Detail Section


This is where the detail of the report is displayed. Fields in this section change for each record in a file.

Alternate Detail

AD 1-9

Fields in this section are displayed when a specified condition is satisfied.

Control Footer

DF 1-9

Fields in this section are displayed when the end of a control break point is encountered.

Page Footer


Fields in this section are displayed at the end of each page on the report.

Report Footer


Fields in this section are displayed at the end of the report.

You insert these line types by adding sections to the report. For more information, refer to the following topics: